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Future Cargo industry will face long darkness?

  • Author:Erica
  • Source:International Ship Network
  • Release Date:2016-01-14
Future Cargo industry will face long darkness?

Owners ofContainer ShipThe seemingly never-ending pursuit of large-scale, according to Alphaliner statistics, new ship orders in 2015 18000-22000TEU container ships of up to 60.

Cargo weak market last year, but the owner undeterred, continued to set a large transport strategy, carrying orders large container ship 24 percent of total orders.

Market analysts have warned of lower unit costs through economies of scale, the four East-West alliance between Cargo ship pursuit race, especially in the next few years is to focus on the delivery of a large number of very large container ships will further exacerbate Cargo overcapacity.
Indeed, Cargo giant has too many large container ships will be deployed inAsia-Europe routeOn the recent trials of 17859 TEU "CMA CGM Benjamin Franklin" also deployed on Asia-Europe routes.

In the shipping downturn, in order to minimize unit costs, the owner must meet high traffic, Cargo company "at all costs to fill the boat" so that tariffs fall further.

One owner said that Asia - Northern Europe routes require different sized container ship service portfolio, rather than large container ships.

According to Alphaliner statistics, last year 10000-13300 TEU container ship orders totaling 52, and these container ships deployed in the opening of the Panama Canal will service the route.

Meanwhile, according to the latest data Alphaliner, the global container shipping operations forces had reached 19.94 million TEU at the end of 2015, with an increase of 8.5 percent a year ago. In 2015 a total of 214 new container ships entering the market, the global fleet capacity increase 1.72 million TEU; shipbroker Braemar ACM data showed that only 93 or 213000 TEU container ship dismantling in the past year, this is because last year the global steel prices impact of the decline.

Since last year's decline in container ship dismantling,Container ShipTheir prices have been under enormous pressure. Due to sluggish demand charter, many of the owners and operators of ships outside seem to have no choice except idle, 2015 Lida idle container shipping 1.36 million TEU, accounting for 6.8% of the total fleet capacity. 

Alphaliner said that the futureCargo IndustryWe will face the long darkness, while the agency pointed out that during the Spring Festival holiday in February that China will lead to a number of large container ships are idle.