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Early game----long nose of Pinocchio

  • Author:Nissen
  • Source:Sunny worldwide logistics
  • Release Date:2016-12-24
Pinocchio believe that many people have seen, that is, a puppet can be as human beings as free activities in the community encountered some of the things and bring it changes, the deepest impression should be that it every sentence Falsehood, his nose will grow a little longer.

It turned out that this kind of thing is not only occurred in the film, the recent morning meeting, Wang Ming of logistics colleagues have witnessed the nose variable events.
Keke, in fact, it is sticky nose of the game, with double-sided adhesive tape, stick to their own nose, and then stick to their own and others, the sticky double-sided adhesive sticky longer sticks, feel each other when sticky As if the feeling of kissing, close to the time do not consciously laugh together, such a simple action can feel so funny.

  Watching other people sticking long double-sided tape walking around sticky people, as if the elephant's nose as staggering, too cute.
Finally, is our Star and Ricky duel between. They stick to the most, it seems that they did not speak ill of a child, do bad things, or else how can become so long. Haha!