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Think too much and do too little

  • Author:Cynthia
  • Source:Sunny Worldwide logistics
  • Release Date:2018-04-10
If we must say that the international logistics season is divided, then it is the peak season for autumn and winter, and the low season for spring and summer. If we want to say that the peak season is the best, then the last month of the last year, the most concentrated domestic shipments are the most prosperous, and the first month after the year is the export season. The demand of foreign countries is relatively stable with the seasonal changes in demand for goods. The main reason is that the domestic plants have extended long holidays in the Spring Festival, and some of the goods have been shipped overtime and finished overtime. As a result, the volume of domestic cargo dropped sharply, causing the phenomenon of international logistics off-season in the years to come.
   March was the worst off-season international logistics shipment. The company spent money to rent venues and invited teachers to perform training for all employees on the theme of “core kinetic energy” for two days. After completing his own duties, the business department and the cases of each team were analyzed, and successful case sharing was also ongoing. After the training of a special counter, the next logistics knowledge training is coming soon. As the saying goes, it is not a mistake to cut woodwork. We must continue to learn and progress. We must be keenly aware of market trends and have a clear understanding of the new round of volume changes. We should not fight unprepared wars and deal with different market demands with ease. The professional gains and improvements will make up for the decline in off-season performance, and will be ready for another sprint to rise on the advent of the next peak cargo season. As Michael Wang, a great talent of Hong Mingda logistics, often said, “There are winds in the four seasons, sowing in the wind, there is no difference in off-season peak season. We will only gain through continuous efforts.”
Think too much and do too little
   We have been busy and fulfilled for the entire March. The PK summary of March's performance was postponed to the first day after the Ching Ming Festival on April 8th. The performance of the logistics department was completely annihilated and all failed to meet the standards. The outstanding performance of Meiyang Foreign Trade Department is in stark contrast. It is really no harm without comparison. There are awards and penalties. This time, I watched the colleagues of the Ministry of Foreign Trade on behalf of the team to win the prizes. Last month, I promised that my own failings to achieve the performance goal penalties must also be done. What do I ask all colleagues to eat fruit, product release, etc.... ...., Michael unconventional Xu promised a corporal punishment commitment of 50 push-ups on the spot, and lack of exercise. When he was 40, he began to lose his energy. The apprentice Alvin, who is usually taken care of by the master, took the initiative to step forward. After finishing the last 10 push-ups with the master, the dark horse team showed us what teamwork is. As a teacher, Michael, in addition to daily patience and selfless sharing of dedication, in the process of their growth and progress to make timely guidance and appropriate encouragement to help them set goals. Taking the apprentice as seedlings, giving them constant attention and care, let them grow into a big tree, let their teammates have a clear goal and more efficient promotion. This time, the performance bottomed out. Michael also specially customized T-shirts belonging to the dark horse team to encourage teammates. We continue to refuel our efforts, and on the road to success we need proper guidance and appropriate encouragement. A heartfelt effort to accompany one move at a time and discount our corporate spirit of “Unity and Friendship” from here. Love management, the positive energy of family and love constantly irrigating us. We are a big family from all corners of the world.

Sometimes, the inner pragmatism and determination come from your endless efforts and efforts, the so-called confusion and distress, sometimes, too much thought, too little ... ----- Excerpt from Michael circle of friends.internation sea freight