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The maritime industry is threatened by hackers

  • Author:Rita
  • Source:Sunny Worldwide
  • Release Date:2018-06-23
According to the report of the US “Dialogue” website on June 13th, when 50,000 ships around the world sail at any time, they may enter the hacking list, and this list is still expanding.

According to reports, cybersecurity experts recently demonstrated how easy it is to immerse navigational equipment into a boat. Researchers have demonstrated how to fool the Global Positioning System (GPS) to change the route of a luxury yacht. Once upon a time, how to set up a car, a bread machine, a tugboat, etc., how they operate. The problem is that these things are now connected to the Internet in addition to the original factory settings.

The report stated that reports on maritime cybersecurity will only increase rapidly in the future. The maritime industry has been slow to realize that ships, like everything else, are now connected to the internet. The United Nations, the agency responsible for managing the seas, is now somewhat late for the International Maritime Organization to consider establishing appropriate regulations on cybersecurity.

The maritime industry is threatened by hackers