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Sunny worldwide logistics Company Relocation Dinner

  • Author:Cynthia
  • Source:Sunny worldwide logistics
  • Release Date:2018-10-30
There are only two last months left in 2018.Sunny worldwide logisticsThe company achieved very good results under the efforts of everyone. On the evening of October 28, the company organized a dinner for the family of the Sunny Group.
First, in order housewarming, but also to celebrate the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Logistics Department of the impressive performance record score!!

If you compare each person to a drop of water, a drop of water can't be a stream of water. A drop of water can only be dried up when it is put into the sea. A person can only be most powerful when he combines himself with a collective cause.
Only when everyone is together can we form an endless stream of rivers.
Sunny worldwide logistics Company Relocation Dinner

Everyone said that there was a laugh and the atmosphere was very harmonious. The chairman of the table, Yang Jie and Mr. Xu, praised everyone's efforts this quarter, and thanked everyone for their joint efforts. A journey of a thousand miles, accumulated in the pace; the ship of thousands of miles, into the compass.
At the same time, everyone also thanked the chairman Yang Jie and Xu Zongping for their concern, thanked them for their family-like care, and took care of them in a meticulous manner to build a good platform for self-worth.
Sunny worldwide logistics Company Relocation Dinner
In the midst of a series of laughter and laughter, we ended the gathering of the housewarming. I believe that as long as we have dreams, pursuits, and enthusiasm, the company's tomorrow will be even better!
I wish our Sunny Group is getting better and better!