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"Big Block" detonates the frenzy of freight rates!In June, the shipping company's frei

  • Release Date:2024-06-04
At present, the Red Sea crisis has embarked on the "throat" of the world's trade, and it is triggered the "butterfly effect" worldwide. The rare congestion of the Singapore port is one of them. The power supply supply is difficult to meet the transportation needs, and it has given the shipping company to continuously raise the freight rate....

Linerlytic data shows that the number of containers at the backlog of Singapore Port in the world's second largest container in the world reached an amazing 450,000 standard box, far exceeding the several rounds of the new crown epidemic period.

In order to help alleviate the severe congestion of Singapore's port and the backlog of the ship's queue, PSA Singapore Corporation has re -enabled the old berth and stacked yards that had been abandoned before, and also added a lot of manpower to cope with the accumulation of containers.

At present, not only the ship is short of ships, but also the container is not in short supply.The latest report released by the shipping consulting company Linerlytica shows that the increasingly serious port congestion further exacerbates the intense container market dilemma.At present, the capacity of 2 million standard boxes stays outside the port, accounting for 6.8%of the global fleet capacity.

The disrupted shipping timetable led to congestion in major Asian ports such as Shanghai, Ningbo, and Singapore. Due to the important hub close to the Red Sea and is an important hub for sea and air transportation, the Port of Jebe Ali in the UAE was also facing congestion.

The time rate of the container ship decreased.According to the data of Sea-Intelligence, the proportion of container ships reached on time has fallen to about 52%.

The phenomenon such as port congestion, ship delay, shortage of transportation power, "difficulty in finding a box" and other situations are finally reflected in the freight rate.

Global container transportation prices have ushered in a new round of rise since May.Data on May 31 showed that the Shanghai Shipping Exchange announced the new issue of the Shanghai Export Container Freight Index (SCFI), which was not surprised to rise again.(SCFI) The comprehensive index was reported at 3044.77 points, an increase of 341.34 points from the previous week, an increase of 12.63%.The 13 subdivided routes only fell slightly, and the remaining 12 of the 12 were rising.

Last week, the freight rate of each FEU from the Far East to the West Line rose 979 US dollars to $ 6,168, and rose 18.87%weekly; the freight rate of each Feu from the Far East to the East Line of the United States rose 724 US dollars to US $ 7206, a weekly increase of 11.69%; the Far East to the European line was everyTEU's freight price rose to $ 331 to $ 3740, a weekly increase of 9.71%; the freight rate of the Far East to the Mediterranean Line rose 472 US dollars to $ 4720, an increase of 11.11%weekly.

The Red Sea crisis, which lasted for nearly half a year, is considered the root of this round of epic -level "big -blocking ships".Since the beginning of the year, the Yemenhota armed forces have repeatedly attacked the relevant targets of the Red Sea Water.In the sound of artillery fire, international shipping giants detoured, and the economic impact caused by the global spread.

When the global supply chain system can return to balance, it is not yet predicted.If the situation of the Red Sea is not improved, this situation may last for several months.If the congestion cannot be relieved, the freight rate will undoubtedly rise.Earlier, head companies Dafei, Maski, Herbelot, etc. have issued a June price increase letter, which has greatly increased FAK, the acquisition of the peak season surcharge PSS ...

The wave of prices in this time was jointly promoted by various factors such as the situation of the Red Sea, the "grabbing export" of foreign trade companies, and the shipowner's price increase.Northern, South America and other directions are routes, but whether it can be observed in follow -up.It is expected that the freight in the short term will still fluctuate at a high level, and it may not be ruled out that further rise may be ...